Items in the bedroom that interfere with healthy sleep

Healthy sleep is a full night's rest, during which the most important body processes occur: recovery, rejuvenation, growth, and many others.But not always an 8-hour sleep brings the expected effect. Often people wake up broken and not rested. And the reasons leading to lack of sleep are mass.

If the bedroom is not really a bedroom

Ideal when the apartment has a separate bedroom. If the apartment is one-room, then with the arrangement of a berth, things are much more complicated. But even in such a limited space you can create an environment conducive to sleep.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the color scheme of the room.Choose calm, soft pastel colors. Discard too bright elements of the decor. Bright colors irritate the body; light colors, on the contrary, soothe.

Do not clutter up the room with unnecessary pieces of furniture and things. Too cramped, forced room loses comfort and does not allow to relax. It is better to give preference to multifunctional furniture (wardrobe-bed) in order to save as much free space as possible.

Get rid of excess textiles (soft toys, various pillows), in such objects accumulate: dust, germs, ticks. This can lead to allergic reactions, coughing, runny nose and poor sleep quality.

Also, do not plant a large number of flowers in a one-room apartment. Strong odors can cause allergies and headaches. If you still really want to green the room, then approaching this issue is worth it. There are plants that not only do not harm health, but also improve sleep (spathiphyllum, geranium, aloe, camellia, ficus).

To complement the interior of the watch, you need to choose silent models that do not issue ticks. For a good rest you need silence.

The large room can be divided into zones:

  • guest room (TV, coffee table, sofa);
  • sleeping (bed, bedside table);
  • working (computer, desk).

This will give the small apartment a special coziness and comfort.

To distinguish between zones, designers have come up with many options:

  • a rack or cabinet;
  • screen;
  • curtain;
  • decorative grill;
  • drywall partition;
  • movable partition.

Ideal design with the division into zones, if the house has a small child. In this case, adults can combine the guest area and the place to relax, choosing the sofa or sofa that is most suitable for sleeping. And the child can be separated from one of the above methods.

For each zone, lighting is properly selected. Bright light is preferred for the guest. The sleeping area, however, requires dim, diffused lighting. The presence of a nightlight is appreciated, since it is not recommended to turn on a bright light at night if necessary.

What prevents sleep affects sleep quality

Someone falls asleep instantly, someone succeeds with difficulty. But there are negative factors that affect almost everyone equally.

What prevents healthy sleep:

TV on negatively affects sleep, since sound interrupts the deep phase, and light disrupts the production of melanin (sleep hormone). And despite the fact that you do not wake up, the rest is not complete. The same applies to various gadgets. Do not go to bed with a mobile phone or tablet.

Some types of indoor plants(orchid, house lilies, azalea, monstera) Many people think that plants bring only benefits, forgetting the main thing - at night many absorb oxygen and emit carbon dioxide almost on a par with humans. Some are poisonous and can seriously harm your health.

Geranium, if there is no allergy to it, is perfect for a bedroom. It has a calming effect, relieves nightmares and insomnia.

Stale clothes.Not only worn, but also improperly selected pajamas disturb sleep. Not quite clean clothes have already managed to accumulate dust, bacteria, unpleasant odors that cause discomfort. This also applies to bedding. And clothes that are not intended for sleeping are not convenient enough for a night's rest, which also will not allow you to relax and sleep soundly.

Choose quality bedding and pajamas. They are more pleasant to the body, absorb moisture well, allow the body to breathe.

Heavy curtains, bedspreads belong to textiles, which are able to accumulate harmful microorganisms, dust. On the other hand, it is heavy curtains that can close windows tightly and prevent light from entering the room, which interferes with the production of enough melanin. Therefore, if such elements are present in the interior, it is necessary that they are always clean.

Foreign odors. Unpleasant, pungent smells not only prevent you from falling asleep, but can even cause frequent awakenings at night. Scientists have proved that various kinds of aromas affect the quality of sleep no less than sound and light. Be sure to air the room before going to bed. Fresh air is one of the main aspects of sound sleep.

Dirty dishes, leftover food are uncharacteristic for the bedroom. But still, many people like to eat before bed and leave tea cups and half-eaten food on the bedside table. It should be understood that the remnants of food attract various insects (cockroaches, flies, ants), and they, in turn, can interfere with a good night's sleep. In addition, the crumbs can be on the bed, which also does not add comfort.

For a healthy sleep, it does not matter what size the apartment is and how many rooms it has. Much more important is how its owner approached the arrangement of his bedroom or resting place.

Watch the video: Bed Position as per Vastu By Enlightened Life Guru Dr. Puneet Chawla (May 2024).

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