How to remove dead pixels on the monitor

The "broken pixel" of the laptop looks like a small dot on the screen, which is located in the same place constantly and can annoy even the most relaxed user. You watch a movie, work or play video games, it constantly attracts attention and pisses you off.

The problem is that such a phenomenon can even appear on a new TV or monitor, because by the standards a certain number of dead pixels (sometimes their number can reach six or even ten) is not considered a marriage, which means that the equipment cannot be returned or repaired under warranty . Fortunately, there are ways to cure the device yourself, without the help of specialists.

There are many online services that allow you to conduct a free scan of your screen for this problem and then fix it. These include and In addition, you can use special programs, for example:

  • IsMyLcdOk;
  • Dead Pixel Tester
  • UDPixel
  • AIDA64.

All of them are also free, quickly installed and practically do not take up space on the computer.

Basically, they are a set of images filled with one color. A broken pixel may appear on any of them. In addition, with the help of many of them it is possible to test other qualities of the screen.

So, the problem is revealed, what to do next? There are also programs not only for its definition, but also for elimination. There are many of them, just enter the appropriate search query. For example, take the “BadCrystal” program.

After downloading and installing, launch it and go along the path "Computer" - "launch". There will be a motley window with rapidly changing colors, which must be moved to the pixel location and wait about half an hour. If the problem persists, increase the speed by clicking on “Speed ​​Com” and leave for another 60 minutes. If this also did not help to get rid of the problem, increase the speed again and leave it for at least half a day.

Other programs operate on approximately the same principle. As a rule, this sequence of actions is enough, but there are always exceptions.

There is also a mechanical way to deal with a defect, the so-called "massage". It brings different results, for some it helps to get rid of a point on the screen forever, for someone it reappears after 1-2 years, but disappears after repeating the procedure at about the same time, for someone this period takes a couple of months or even weeks, but for someone this method is useless. It all depends on the reasons for the appearance of broken pixels, but we will talk about this a little later, but for now we will present you the sequence of actions for the implementation of the "massage":

  • turn off the monitor, after noting the location of the point;
  • take a cotton swab or pencil with a soft eraser on the end;
  • press the cotton tip or eraser to the marked spot;
  • do massaging circular movements, gently and without strong pressure;
  • continue the “massage” for about two to three minutes;
  • turn on the monitor and if there is no result, repeat all over again.

ATTENTION! Do not use your fingers, as well as hard and especially sharp objects!

We also warn that this method can work only with single points, and not with their groups, otherwise the pixel spot can grow.

Each of them consists of three parts - subpixels having their own color, blue, red or green. Depending on the command of the transistor, each of them is supplied with such an amount of electricity that is necessary to give a certain degree of brightness, due to which one or another shade is obtained.

If the transistor malfunctions, some pixel may burn out and either go out, which forms black dots on the screen, or stop holding back the light from the backlight, due to which white dots appear.

ATTENTION! If there are black or white dots on your screen, then you won’t be able to fix this problem on your own, since you need to repair or replace the transistor itself, so in this case, contact specialists.

If any of the subpixels fails, the dot is painted in a specific color. It is with such a problem that the methods described above will help to cope. The fact is that such subpixels (they are called "stuck") for one reason or another can "move away" from the source of electricity, because of which they cease to function, remaining only in one degree of brightness. The programmatic impact gives them a huge number of commands per second, which contributes to their activation. The mechanical way can help restore possible disconnections.

Watch the video: How to fix stuck or dead pixels on some laptop and desktop displays (May 2024).

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