How to turn off ps4 without joystick

Many owners, out of ignorance or lack of desire, mistreated their game console. For example, when you turn off. After using the console, the user usually simply presses the "Power" button on the front for a few seconds after a distinctive sound is heard. This method takes place and can be used in rare cases when there is no time, but it is absolutely wrong, as it leads to a deterioration of the PS4 in the long term, up to a breakdown without repair, and sometimes even to a fire. Fast power off dramatically reduces mains voltage. This, in turn, leads to jumps in the power supply, which temporarily turn into a short circuit. Sparking occurs with a low probability.

Why is it important to turn off the console

Important! The risk of fire is increased when the console is in working condition, especially for PS4, where games are demanding and heavily load the processor. Therefore, she needs to give rest - turn it off. But due to improper handling she fails to do this.

For various reasons, it happens that there is no possibility of turning off the console with the use of a gamepad (non-working sensor, etc.). This problem narrows the proper path to powering off the console. But they are still there.

How can I turn off the PS4 without the joystick

The main ways:

  1. Associated with the use of the Power button on the front of the game console. First hold it for 7 seven seconds. During this time two characteristic sounds will be heard. After the second peep, you need to wait for the console's backlight to turn off. It will completely turn off after 5-10 seconds depending on the congestion of the console. This method differs in that it produces a complete shutdown of the PS
  2. Primitive. Associated with a frank "mockery" of the technique - pulling the power cord. Constant use of this method is the "apogee" of the misuse of any equipment, including the console, and can negatively affect its operation, how it will pull demanding games.
  3. Pressing the round PS button located under the touchpad. After some delay on the screen a few seconds later a menu appears in which you can select the "Disable console" item.

Reference. It should be added that on the contrary, when the system is started up, clamping this button includes the settings of the safe mode, in which you can find the problem of the joystick failure.

Can I put into sleep mode without a joystick

The PS4 system in sleep mode is at the same time in the ready state, but consumes half the energy and does not heat up. If you need to go into this mode, you can use the following method (if there is no gamepad).

Pressing the Power button. After that, you need to wait for the moment when the message about switching to sleep mode appears on the screen. After that, immediately release the button so that the console does not turn off.

Attention! At the same time, the indicator on the console will turn on yellow. To return everything back, you need to do the same.

What problems may arise when shutting down

Main console problems:

  1. In case of improper shutdown, a message is often displayed on the screen about the presence of problems in the system, which can lead to a malfunction of the console, which will negatively affect its functioning. Such a notification will appear not only before the completion of work, but also during the use of the console itself, during the passage of the game.
  2. Pulling out the extension cord can cause a short circuit, which subsequently increases the risk of the equipment igniting.

You need to turn off the console in any case. But if there is no joystick, then you need to learn how to turn off the device using the recommendations given.

Watch the video: PS4 controller won't connect (April 2024).

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